Saturday, January 22, 2011

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Useful Beauty Tips for Lightning Face

Imagine a face with no spots, dark circles, dark spots and dark lines; this is the dream of every single person to look gorgeous and striking. The complexion may get tanned due to direct sunlight exposure especially during winters when people love to sit under direct sun rays. Healthy skin looks very attractive. One can get back the lost glow by lightning dark circles, marks, spots and lines with the help of cosmetic products and home remedies.
Try to avoid exposing skin to direct sunlight, use sunscreen as a protection against sun in order to retain the natural tone and color. Drink as much water as possible as this helps in gaining natural glow and moisturize the pores. Using papaya soap is an effective way to get rid of dark spots and lines and its regular use will help in whitening the skin. Use lotion after using this soap because it may cause slight dryness. Adopt a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and balanced diet. A balanced diet means including fresh fruits and vegetables in everyday meals as much as possible.
Washing face many times a day is an ultimate side-effect free solution to eliminate dark lines and spots. While using cosmetics always go for a well established and well admired brand as there are countless companies offering many face whitening products. Turmeric paste is an excellent home remedy to enjoy fresh, clean and spotless complexion, grind it and mix with chickpea flour with olive oil.
Milk is an ultimate natural bleacher, pour it in a bowl and apply it on the face using a towel dip. Using masks which are made up of flour, ground grams can help one to obtain natural shine. All things that one need to do to enjoy healthy and beautiful complexion includes sun block lotion, whitening cream, lemon or lemon juice, milk, turmeric and water.



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